Ultimate Non-Surgical Facial Toning CACI

The Ultimate Non-Surgical Facial Toning CACI will leave your skin smoother, lifted, plump and hydrated.

The treatment includes:  microdermabrasion, non-surgical face-lift, use of the wrinkle comb, LED light therapy and a Hyaluronic Gel Mask to complete this ultimate facial.

A course of six or more is highly recommended for these facials, depending on individual skin needs.

Synergy Advanced Non-Surgical Facial Toning:

Combines CACI’S Signature Non-Surgical Facial Toning with advanced skin exfoliation techniques to revitalise your skin, resulting in a brighter and smoother complexion. A combination of advanced technologies are used to plump fine lines and wrinkles, instantly lift and tone your face and firm your neck.

Time   Price
90 minutes Ultimate Non-Surgical Facial Toning CACI £ 140
90 minutes Synergy Advanced Non-Surgical Facial Toning £ 160